Welcome to the Springfield Stamp Club Website!

The Springfield Stamp Club Welcomes Stamp Collectors of All Ages and Skill Levels. 

Join us to explore and share the fascinating world of philately! 

Meetings are held at Lynbrook Elementary School,
5801 Backlick Road, Springfield, VA 22150


SPRINGPEX 2025 is April 5 - 6. We will have 21 dealers, a USPS station, a large Beginner/Youth table with free stamps, over 40 frames of exhibits, and stamp society meetings. Please plan to attend!

Single Page Exhibit Competition is back for SPRINGPEX 2025. The exhibits will be on display at the show and you will be able to vote for your favorite in person on April 5th. You can get view the exhibits now and vote online if you cannot make the show. Please vote for your favorite! (view exhibits) (click here to vote for your favorite!)


The Calendar includes dates for upcoming Springfield Stamp Club meetings and other philatelic events in the National Capital area.

Philatelic Item of the Month